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This is how the average independent inventor sees your ad in the back of those popular geek and business start-up magazines. You’ve worked hard to build a reputable company but due too limited advertising venues and cost you’re forced to advertise in the back of these popular magazines and newspapers, still missing half of the market you’re trying to reach.

How to Identify Legitimate Firms
"Some fraudulent invention promotion firms advertise through television and radio, and classified ads in newspapers and magazines. They target independent inventors, frequently offering free information to help them patent and market inventions. Often, it is difficult to distinguish between a fraudulent invention promotion firm and a legitimate one. This may be because unscrupulous and honest firms often use many similar advertising and sales techniques, market evaluations, and contract strategies."
Povided By: National Congress of Inventor Organizations (NCIO)

Let The Pitch Coach TM bring you directly into the homes of independent inventors across American, Advertising on the Pitch Coach DVD or Thepitchcoach.com is a great and highly effective way to reach your intended audience. The majority of our visitors are aspiring inventors and/or consumers.

Erik Thompson is becoming a trusted advocate for independent American Inventors across America. INVENT ON!

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